water chiller for ice barrel DIY

DIY Water Chiller for Ice Barrel 300

The Ice Barrel, love it or hate it, is perhaps one of the most recognized cold plunges around. As unique as it is, it has one inconvenient flaw, the need to constantly add ice. Since daily ice runs to the corner store can get expensive, that has encouraged many to build their own DIY water chillers. In this post, we’ll show you step-by-step how to construct your own water chiller with filter, specifically for the Ice Barrel 300.

UPDATE: Ice Barrel has just released the larger 500 model. This DIY water chiller tutorial will work for that model as well.

ice barrel 300 water chiller DIY

This tutorial is unique in that we not only show you how to build your own chiller but also how to place it in a deck box for the ultimate outdoor protection and style.

This how-to cold plunge chiller guide is easy to follow and requires a minimal amount of technical skill. Best of all? The overall cost is $600 or less.

Ice Barrel Water Chiller

Okay, so you’re ready to reap all the benefits of a refrigerated plunge, great! First of all, you should know this tutorial is specifically geared toward adding a water chiller to the brand-new Ice Barrel 300. That said, with minor modifications to the hoses, this DIY can apply to the Ice Barrel 400, all portable cold plunges (Ice Pod, Spartan Barrel, Allevachill, etc.), and even stock tanks.

Parts List For DIY Water Cooling

water chiller for ice barrel

This shopping list should cover most of what you’ll need for this project. Some miscellaneous items such as screws and bolts have been left out and may vary depending on your own installation.

Ice Barrel 300 & 500 DIY Water Chiller Instructional Video:

The Best Water Chillers For Cold Plunge

For the above tutorial, we aim to save you as much money as possible but still be left with an excellent Ice Barrel chiller. While the 1/3 HP options will work well enough, there are more powerful chillers that have more cooling capacity and features.

Although more expensive, we recommend the following models:

6 thoughts on “DIY Water Chiller for Ice Barrel 300”

    1. Neal, not specifically, but 90% of that tutorial could be applied to the Ice Barrel 400. Only modification would be on the return hose. Either place it over the top edge of the barrel or some people will drill a hole at the top and feed the hose through that.

  1. Could you please send a link for the same filter you used? The link in the article just takes it to an Amazon page with tons of options.

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