why you feel sick after a massage

The Reasons You Feel Sick After A Massage

Have you ever left a massage feeling completely rejuvenated, only to be hit with a wave of nausea and dizziness a few hours later? It’s a common side effect of massage treatment, and it can be a real bummer. But don’t worry – there’s a perfectly good reason why this happens, and it’s nothing to be concerned about.

In this post, we’ll discuss the science behind why you might feel sick after a massage, and explore some possible ways to prevent or alleviate this unpleasant side effect.

So, if you’re someone who has ever left a massage feeling less than 100%, read on!

The Science Behind Massage-Induced Nausea

image of a woman feeling sick or nauseated after a massage

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s start with a bit of background information.

Massage is a physical therapy that involves manipulating the soft tissues of the body to promote relaxation and alleviate pain. It’s been used for centuries as a way to improve circulation, reduce stress, and promote overall health and well-being.

But like any form of physical therapy, massage can also have some side effects. One of the most common is nausea, which can range from mild to severe depending on the individual and the type of massage they’re receiving.

What Causes Nausea After A Massage?

So, what causes this nausea? To understand that, we need to take a closer look at the physiological effects of massage on the body.

When you receive a massage, your body undergoes a number of changes. Your muscles relax, your circulation improves, and your body releases a flood of endorphins (feel-good chemicals that help to reduce pain and stress). These changes can be very beneficial, but they can also lead to nausea in some people.

One possible reason for this is that massage can stimulate the vagus nerve, which runs from the brainstem down to the abdomen. Stimulating this nerve can cause a range of digestive symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Another reason why massage might cause nausea is that it can increase the production of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), a chemical that plays a role in the body’s stress response. High levels of CRH can lead to digestive issues, including nausea, vomiting, and even diarrhea.

It’s worth noting that not everyone will experience nausea after a massage, and the severity of the side effects can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may only feel a little queasy, while others may experience more severe symptoms.

Tips for Preventing or Alleviating Massage-Induced Nausea

image of a woman receiving a massage

If you’re someone who tends to feel sick after a massage, don’t despair – there are a few things you can try to prevent or alleviate this unpleasant side effect.

Here are a few tips to consider:

Drink plenty of water before and after your massage.

Massage can increase circulation and flush toxins out of the body, which can lead to dehydration. Staying hydrated can help prevent nausea and other digestive issues.

Eat a light meal before your massage.

A heavy meal can put extra strain on your digestive system, which can increase the risk of nausea after a massage. Instead, opt for a light, easily digestible meal before your massage to minimize the risk of digestive issues.

Avoid alcohol and caffeine before and after your massage.

Both of these substances can irritate the digestive system and increase the risk of nausea.

Talk to your massage therapist about any medical conditions or sensitivities you have.

If you have a medical condition that might make you more prone to nausea (such as motion sickness or sensitivity to certain essential oils), be sure to let your therapist know. They may be able to adjust their techniques or use different products to minimize the risk of nausea.

Take it easy after your massage.

It’s natural to feel relaxed and rejuvenated after a massage, but try not to overexert yourself. Avoid vigorous physical activity or other strenuous activities for a few hours after your massage to give your body time to adjust.

Consider taking an over-the-counter anti-nausea medication before your massage.

If you know you tend to feel sick after massages, you may want to consider taking an anti-nausea medication (such as meclizine or dimenhydrinate) before your appointment. This can help to prevent nausea and other digestive issues.

Is Massage-Induced Nausea Something to Worry About?

So, is massage-induced nausea something you should be concerned about? In most cases, the answer is no. As we’ve seen, massage can stimulate the vagus nerve and increase the production of stress hormones, which can lead to nausea and other digestive issues. However, these side effects are usually temporary and not cause for concern.

In rare cases, however, symptoms of nausea after a massage could be a sign of a more serious underlying issue. For example, if you experience severe or persistent nausea after massage, or if you have other symptoms such as dizziness or fainting, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional. They can help to determine the cause of your symptoms and provide appropriate treatment.

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So yes, on occasion it can be normal to feel a little queasy after a massage, especially if you’re not used to receiving them. In most cases, this is nothing to worry about. Just be sure to stay hydrated, take it easy after your massage, and talk to your therapist about any medical conditions or sensitivities you have. With a little bit of care and attention, you can minimize the risk of massage-induced nausea and enjoy all the benefits of this relaxing and therapeutic treatment.

Can Using a Massage Gun Cause Nausea Too?

It’s possible that using a massage gun could cause nausea in some individuals. Massage guns, also known as percussion massagers, are handheld devices that use rapid vibrations to massage the muscles and soft tissues of the body. Like traditional massage, these devices can have some side effects, including nausea.

There are a few possible reasons why a massage gun might cause nausea. One is that the rapid vibrations can stimulate the vagus nerve, just like traditional massage. This can lead to digestive symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

Another reason might be that the intense vibrations can cause dizziness or motion sickness in some people. This can lead to nausea, especially if the person is not used to the sensation.

It’s worth noting that not everyone will experience nausea after using a massage gun. The severity of the side effects can vary greatly from person to person, and some people may not experience any symptoms at all.

How To Reduce Nausea Symptoms

If you do experience nausea after using a massage gun, there are a few things you can try to prevent or alleviate this unpleasant side effect. These include:

  • Taking breaks and using the massage gun for shorter periods of time.
  • Avoid using the massage gun on an empty stomach.
  • Drinking plenty of water before and after using the massage gun to help prevent dehydration.
  • Avoiding alcohol and caffeine before and after using the massage gun.
  • Take an over-the-counter anti-nausea medication before using the massage gun.

As with traditional massage, it’s important to speak with a healthcare professional if you experience severe or persistent nausea after using a massage gun. They can help to determine the cause of your symptoms and provide appropriate treatment.

(Scientific citations: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5404535/, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3665125/)

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